
Training workshop on abuse of cryptocurrencies for Vietnamese Government

27 October 2020 – CFLW Cyber Strategies contributed to the online training workshop on illegal use of cryptocurrency with the The State Bank of VietnamMinistry of Public Security (Vietnam) and Ministry of Finance of Vietnam, supported by US Government Agencies and UNODC.

It was a pleasure to share our insights to combat these cyber-enabled financial crimes:

  1. Urgency to implement global regulations to close the crypto-fiat perimeter within every country,
  2. Develop tactics, techniques and procedures to monitor, detect and track suspicious transactions, and
  3. Develop international cooperative mechanisms and within a multi-stakeholder approach for financial authorities, VASPs, banks, law enforcement and cybersecurity agencies.

And of course, it was really cool to see our CFLW Cyber Strategies slides translated to Vietnamese!

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