Dark Web Monitor

Dark Web Monitor provides Strategic Insights and Operational Perspectives
Dark Web Monitor is the primary CFLW Intelligence Service. It is an open-source intelligence (OSINT) service that offers insights into criminal and fraudulent activities arising from abuse of the Dark Web. Darknets, such as Tor or I2P, have become safe havens for criminals to exploit technical anonymity. Their illicit activities range from child abuse and drug trafficking to large-scale financial crimes, impacting both cyberspace and the physical world. These illicit activities are supported by increasingly advanced web services in the form of single vendor shops, dark markets, search engines or Dark Web indexes and several more. Given the increasingly sophisticated nature of these opportunistic activities, there is widespread demand from security professionals in law enforcement agencies, cybersecurity agencies, financial institutions, and the security industry for stronger Dark Web monitoring capabilities. CFLW’s advanced analytics tools provide professionals with threat intelligence on suspicious activities, enabling them to appropriately target the scope of their investigations, trace and apprehend the suspects, and disrupt and prosecute their criminal infrastructures.
Dark Web Monitor supports organizations in the areas of law enforcement, cybersecurity and finance where suspicious activities are taking place allowing them to zero in on suspicious infrastructures by employing advanced analytics to investigate digital traces for disruption and prosecution.
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Application Steps
- Apply for CFLW Membership (free of charge)
- Select a suitable Subscription Plan that best fits your requirements (CFLW Membership required to access)
- Launch Dark Web Monitor
Subscription Plans
- Test Plan – Offers a two-week trial period at no cost
- Basic Plan – Provides a personal account for 24/7 access to Dark Web Monitor.
- Business Plan – Enables access for all employees of your organization or company to Dark Web Monitor.
- Premium Plan – Grants access to the API and all features of previous plans.
- Alliance Plan – Tailored for stakeholders who integrate Dark Web Monitor as a core technology in their operations.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any inquiries or specific requests. CFLW Membership and Subscription Plans are subject to our terms and conditions.

History of
Dark Web Monitor

Operational technology for law enforcement and security professionals with a history
Ideation: 2013 – 2016
Silk Road, regarded as the first dark market, began operating as a Tor hidden service in 2011 and subsequently rose to notoriety as the internet’s biggest market for illegal drugs. In October 2013, it was taken down by the first large scale police operation of its kind. Earlier on in 2013, the need for Dark Web crawlers to monitor such illegal activities had already been identified by The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO). The researchers had recognized that a key plank in developing OSINT capabilities for law enforcement and security professionals was to collect and analyze data from the Dark Web to acquire actionable intelligence, and had set about doing so. One of the earliest technical needs identified was for a long list of Dark Web domain addresses, or onion addresses. The experiment proved successful and led to Dark Web Monitor, which provided foundational insights and understanding of the nature of the Dark Web. The following screenshots illustrate early conceptualizations of Dark Web Monitor in 2014.

Proof of Concept: 2017 – 2019
In 2017, the Dark Web Solutions programme was established to validate the proof of concept for Dark Web Monitor with the international Law Enforcement community. The programme was supplemented by training and research activities. The main channel for reaching the international community was INTERPOL, in particular, the INTERPOL Working Group on Dark Web and Virtual Assets. This working group was established to disseminate good practices among law enforcement agencies throughout the world. In order to fully realize Dark Web Monitor’s potential, the community recognized the importance of defining specific use cases to translate the data collected by the web crawlers into actionable information. Dark Web Monitor gained initial traction during this phase, and the next step was to make it available as an operational technology. This was effected through a license agreement between TNO and CFLW Cyber Strategies.

Operational Security Technology: 2020 onwards
Since January 2020, CFLW Cyber Strategies has taken over the day-to-day administration and ongoing development of Dark Web Monitor. From a proof of concept, it has evolved into an operational security technology that is robust, up-to-date, and future-proof. Such rigor is achieved through close collaboration with various law enforcement agencies from Germany, Singapore, and the Netherlands. As a result, Dark Web Monitor is fit for daily use and able to meet the operational requirements of agencies throughout the world. Due to all of its enhancements, Dark Web Monitor delivers the broadest overview of Dark Web activities available on the market, serving as a wayback machine for the Dark Web in connection with several successful law enforcement investigations.
Dark Web Monitor is an essential CFLW Intelligence Service
for organizations in Law Enforcement, Cybersecurity and Finance